I've been thinking for sometime about doing some different pieces of artwork that are stylized by famous artists. Injecting my own love of bikes upon a certain artists style. Trying to mimic there work the best I can. A tribute of sort, but also a learning experience by trying to see what they saw. What they were trying to accomplish by there use of color, technique, and over all approach. Gaining a greater respect for the artist and putting a few more tools in my own artwork arsenal.
So this morning I took some terrible pics on the way to work. They weren't great really on any level. So I decided to play with them. Andy Warhol has always interested me. I would have loved to have had lunch with him.
Here's the original -
I did two different variations on a couple different pieces of Andy's work. The first I used - Details of Renaissance Paintings (Sandro Botticelli, Birth of Venus, 1482), 1984 as inspiration.
For this one I sorta used Gun as a go by. I was using the shades of blue trying to convey the cold that I was feeling this morning on the commute.
I really enjoyed doing this. So expect more!