Thursday, December 31, 2020

Wacom vs. Apple

I've been waiting to post this.  I haven't turned on my Wacom Mobile pro for months.  You all know what that means with a windows machine.  Updates...hours of them.  So here's what I'm thinking so far...

Wacom - 

Pros - full windows machine, great screen, great pencil, No batteries pencil, full photoshop, full illustrator.

Cons - Heavy, short battery, Hot..damn hot, full windows machine, won't correct pen issue in Sketchbook, full windows machine...oh wait did I say that already?

Apple -

Pro - light, great screen, simple os, runs Procreate, great screen.

Cons - not full photoshop, apple product.

I think you see where I'm going here.  I have two high powered pc's, do I need another?  Procreate is far superior.  Anyone want a Wacom Mobil pro?