Tuesday, November 3, 2020

So what's been up the last two years.

So what has been up these last couple of years?  Lots actually.  Lets see if we can recap this with pictures.  Lets catch up a bit.  These are the highlights that I found on my Google Photo's backup.

This is May 2018 - Dec 2018

As you can see I started playing with digital art work towards the end of the year.  I think Inktober that year was done entirely on my Samsung Note 8.

Memorable moment for 2018 - My oldest boy got married.

Jan 2019 - Dec 2019 - 

You see a trend?   Almost totally digital.  I did a lot more then this small sample.  However a lot of it was cars, and oddly enough buildings.

Other memorable items - Changed Jobs three times in one year.  Started GetOut designs and moved Mom to town.

Jan 2020 - Present

This should bring you up to the present.  There's a mix of digital, paint and vector art going on here.

What?! what's this? A new entry? Back from the dead? Well... Maybe.

 I'm wondering if I should keep this blog around.  Focus my attentions on just one.  I don't do as much bicycle art as I use to.  If I do it's almost always digital.  For instance I made up these wheels.  Created in Procreate on my Ipad pro - 

I can put almost any mountain bike on them.  I asked a few friends and was asked to put a Cromag Stylus on them.  Here's the result.

I still love drawing bikes.   It's just that with one blog I could put it all up there.  You tell me.  Keep or Discard?...well archive.